On their way to cheer on the Malian national soccer team

Monday, June 29, 2009

Week #48 A trip to the remote village of Kanioume

The landscape changes quickly to desert when you drive north of Mopti.
Imediately after you turn off the main paved road to Douenta the trees vanish into a world of endless dust and sand dunes. Camels are still by far the preferred mode of transport here, and by mid-day hundreds of them were "parked" around the edges of the market in Kanioume.

The wind rarely subsides in this part of the desert, and your face is perpetually pelted with sand.

There was a steady flow of people emerging out of the desert dust on their way to the market.

Hiking up to the sand dunes behind Kanioume's elementary school.

There is not middle school or high school in this town, so children that receive high enough scores to continue their education must travel to Mopti or Douentza (over 100km either way) to continue their education. Because there are no real roads to this town, and because of the costs to support a child so far away (food/transporation/school fees/lodging) unfortunately noone from this town has ever graduated from lycee (high school)!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Corn Row Fashion

Stacy with a Fulani man making tea by the river

Stacy with a Fulani man making tea by the river

Making concrete blocks by hand

Making concrete blocks by hand