Week #19 Eid al adha (Happy Tabaski)
In addition to killing our own Ram, on Monday we celebrated Tabaski with several different families around Bamako. Here Stacy enjoys some food with the Bella Diawara's family in Banankabougou.
In addition to killing our own Ram, on Monday we celebrated Tabaski with several different families around Bamako. Here Stacy enjoys some food with the Bella Diawara's family in Banankabougou.
Randy and Jenna with Bella Diawara and his cousins Sine and Mohamadou Kone.
Here we are visiting Kat Johnson's host family in Yirimadjo. A griot with her entourage of drummers stopped by to sing praises to the family. These are 24MB video clips, so it might take a couple of minutes for them to upload.
Jenna and Gus pose in our new truck.